Photos for Health

Photos for health is a unique art initiative designed for Clarian Health’s new facilities in downtown Indianapolis and Lafayette: Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center, Riley Hospital for Children Simon Family Tower, Fairbanks Hall, Indiana University/Clarian Education and Resource Center, and Clarian Arnett Hospital. This one-of-a-kind program will result in an original photography collection that will be displayed throughout these state-of-the-art health care facilities.I’ve submitted 5 pictures to be used in the Animals and Ecosystems Gallery for the Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have chose animal pictures that kids would identify with or hopefully bring out a smile in them.

So please go vote: its for a good cause.
Deadline for submissions for Riley Hospital for Children Simon Family Tower is September 7, 2008.
Update Deadline was moved to sometime in 2009, but I cant find the exact info on the site about it.

Photos for Health

Links for my pictures

Yellowstone National Park
I cant find the other picture links, they changed the layout of the website now there are about 13,000 photos uploaded.