Grand Canyon Snowy Sunset on Christmas Eve 2012

This morning we got about 4 inches of snow dumped on us in an hour or so that blanketed the Grand Canyon with snowy goodness on Christmas Eve.

Tonight at sunset it was still snowing on the north rim making for a gorgeous evening.


Snowy Sunset

Snowy Sunset by the Geology Museum

Looking down after the storm

The Grand Canyon always looks different

I walk past the Grand Canyon everyday thinking that it looks the same, its a big hole in the ground, nothing new. Sometimes it surprises me though when I least expect it of course and renews my energy for living here in the middle of nowhere 🙂

One day last week, I stepped out to say Good Morning to the Canyon. Before my eyes the canyon just turned a deep saturated blue color. I must say, after three years, this was the first time I’d seen it change this color. It was gorgeous.

Starting off normal..

Starting to turn blue with the sunrise


A tiny slice of the sun breaks through the clouds

A “White-out” Snow in the Grand Canyon

When it snows or rains in the Grand Canyon, we sometimes have white-out conditions. People visiting don’t understand why they’ve just traveled half way around the world to see it and it’s not there. During certain weather seasons, you should really try to schedule more time than 3 hours to visit from a tour bus. Everyone should get to see the Grand Canyon, especially if you’ve traveled all this way to see it 🙂

This is more then you usually see in a white-out, conditions are usually much worse

Normal white-out conditions

And sometimes if you wait long enough the mist/snow/rain clears up!